Note: Username may be publicly visible, e.g. if you leave a review.
Terms of Use
Dan's Fish LLC (“Dan's Fish”) is a limited liability corporation located in the state of Wyoming.
Currently only users in the United States and Canada are supported. All prices are shown in USD.
Dan's Fish strives to create a positive shopping experience. Users of Dan's Fish services must keep communication honest and civil, even during disagreements.
Buyers are urged to conduct their purchases in a responsible way which sustains the aquarium hobby over the long term.
It is the buyers responsibility to abide by all laws which are in effect in the location where the buyer will have ownership of any item.
Buyer is responsible for knowing which items are legal to purchase and/or own.
Buyer accepts sole accountability for making any illegal purchase.
Buyers agree to educate themselves about any live organism they plan to purchase and to make sure they have an adequate habitat established for such organisms before they purchase any living thing through Dan's Fish.
Buyers agree that they will never release any captive live organism into the wild.
In cases where purchased items cross state, provincial, or national borders requiring importation, Buyer accepts responsibility for the import and becomes the de facto import agent for said item.
Buyers must be of age to enter into legally binding contract and to accept any liabilities associated with any transactions made through the services Dan's Fish offers. Therefore, no user of Dan's Fish services may be under the age of 18 years old.
No user of Dan's Fish services may violate any law, violate anyone’s privacy, violate any copyright, violate any patent, violate any party’s intellectual property, or participate in any unsafe activity and/or transaction.
This is a safe space which openly accepts people of all races, ethnicities, creeds, genders, sexual preferences, political views, and life experiences.
No offensive language or images, pornographic or otherwise, may be posted or used in any post.
This is not the place to express divisive political, religious, or secular views.
No hate language or language discriminating against any group of people (due to race, religion, sexual orientation, or otherwise) is permitted.
By using the Dan's Fish website and services you agree to release Dan's Fish, including any current or future affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, from any claims, demands, or damages which have occured, which are occuring, or which may occur in the future.
Buyers are encouraged to use the transaction rating system. Please provide honest and clear feedback.
Transaction ratings must be executed and finalized within 60 days of any given transaction.
Dan's Fish website and other services are provided “as-is” without condition or warranty.
Dan's Fish website and/or other services are not liable for damages resulting from any use of our website and/or other services or from any damages resulting from any visit to our website and/or other services.
Dan's Fish may contact any user of its website and/or services using any information provided by said user.
Dan's Fish may review any communications sent from the site at anytime.
Dan's Fish may provide users of its services with each other’s information and is released from any liability or damages resulting from the release of such information.
Dan's Fish uses cookies and tracks data for research, fraud prevention, and marketing purposes. This includes google analytics, more detail may be found here.
Dan's Fish reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for the violation of any of these terms and conditions.
Dan's Fish does not ever waive this right and has no policing responsibility concerning any user’s adherence to these terms of use.
Dan's Fish can declare a violation of these terms and conditions at any time.
Dan's Fish reserves the right to remove any account or any item, posting, or content at any time and at its own discretion.
Dan's Fish is regulated by the Wyoming Fish and Game Commission and is subject to and will comply with the requirements outlined in Chapter 51, Private Fish Hatcheries, including all reporting duties as outlined in Section 14.
Dan's Fish reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time and for any reason.